1 - 1.2 kg Octopus from one of the Blue Island Fish Markets
For the oil & vinegar sauce:
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup wine vinegar
2 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons fresh oregano, finely chopped
1 tablespoon fresh parsley
Purchase the Octopus, cleaned and cut into pieces, from one of the Blue Island Fish Markets.
The tentacles will be used separately in this recipe.
From the day before, crush the garlic cloves and put them in the olive oil, where they should remain for at least twenty four hours. Then strain the olive oil to remove the garlic, leaving a garlic-flavored olive oil. The oregano should be finely chopped just before cooking starts; add it to the oil along with the vinegar.
Cut off the thin tips of the tentacles, because they will dry up during cooking. Any remaining bits of the octopus can be used to make octopus croquettes.
When lighting the barbecue, allow 25 – 30 minutes for the charcoal to be ready and not giving off smoke. Tip: Spread out the charcoal and sprinkle ash over it to reduce the intensity. The octopus only needs a low to medium temperature to cook without getting dry.
Lightly grease the grill before putting on the barbecue and make sure the octopus doesn’t stick to the grill by lifting the pieces up straight after placing on the grill.
Turn the octopus often ensuring that it is cooked on both sides. Remove from the heat when they have changed colour. Chop up the cooked tentacles, serve on a platter, season with salt and drizzle with the vinegar. Sprinkle with fresh parsley.
Bon appétit!
The delicious Octopus croquette recipe can be found on our page.